Nolan + Nolan

Nolan + Nolan is the occassional side-project of Scott Nolan and Joe Nolan.  Each an acclaimed singer-songwriter in their own right, together they find magic in each other's music.  

CONGRATS to Joe for his Canadian Folk Music Awards nomination for Contemporary Singer of the Year!




Great show at Calgary’s Ironwood Stage & Grill. Stories, songs, and synergy – don’t miss a Nolan + Nolan show!” - Steve Goodchild, Horizon Ridge Band, Rocky Mountain Folk Club – Calgary AB
Whoever decided to pair Scott Nolan and Joe Nolan together is a genius. These two wordsmiths each have carved their own award-winning careers; but together they defy comparatives. Like a couple of gravediggers or rain dogs, sometimes they whisper, sometimes they moan, sometimes they howl and sometimes, they just scream silence. Poets and storytellers they are, but their musicianship is the gold. Truth tellers and vagabonds, they connect at a mystical level, instinctively completing each other. Their songs sink and burrow into the very heart and marrow of the listener. This artistry is so rare, almost beyond words. These two are the real deal and may well be one of this country’s finest acts. They are a must see.” - Peter Nolan, Musician – Edmonton AB

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